Blog Candy is closed now. Thank you.
So I decided to do some cleaning and pass along some patterned paper and a few embellishments that have been sitting in my stash for far too long. So I am offering them up as blog candy. I have thought long and hard about this and have decided that I will offer up three ways to win.
1. Leave a comment on this post
2. Advertise my giveaway on your blog- and let me know that you did it
3. Become a follower. If you are already a follower just leave an additional comment saying so.
So leave a comment for every thing that you did and I will keep a running tally.
Some of the companies you will find in the box are: Pink Paislee, Basic Grey, American Crafts, Scenic Route, Fancy Pants, Making Memories, KI Memories, My Little Shoebox, Heidi Grace Design, My Minds Eye, and a whole bunch more. I honestly have no idea on how many pieces of paper are here, but there are a lot.
So here are some images of my big box of paper.

So there you have it. I will run this give away until the 3rd. I will mail it off on the 5th, if I hear from the winner in time. Happy Crafting.
And if this is the first time you have ever visited my blog, please look around and leave me some comments.